Seeds to Oil

Welcome to the journey of Kathanjali Oil,

A chapter that unfolds from the roots of Mapdek, conceived with the aspiration to champion sustainable agriculture across India. Our narrative spans two years of dedicated engagement with farmers and the entire agricultural value chain, delving into the preferences and challenges inherent at every stage of the system.


Originating under the umbrella of Mapdek, we initiated a demand-based supply system, uniting clusters of farmers in the remote villages of Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh. As we catered to diverse demography across nearby cities, the realization dawned – it was time to elevate our commitment to purity and deliver the truest essence of our products directly to our customers. Thus, Kathanjali emerged!


Our vision extended beyond mere commerce; it aimed at forging a direct link from farmers to customers, creating both direct and indirect rural employment opportunities while upholding the principles of sustainable agriculture. Transforming farmers from seekers of market opportunities to the nurturers of nourishment, Kathanjali stands as a testament to our commitment. By eliminating multi-level intermediation, our farmers now focus entirely on cultivating crops of unparalleled richness.


With Kathanjali, we embark on rewriting the nutrition story of India, taking one product at a time! We are starting with our 100% natural, wood pressed oils which foster a self-sustaining system that intricately connects the food sourced in kitchens with those meticulously produced in the distant farmlands of our nation. Our story has just begun, and we invite you to be a part of this transformative journey.